This has to be the strangest Easter for most people. My heart goes out to those who are grieving, poorly, working to care for and support us, those separated from loved ones, struggling with isolation or without a garden. I know how much my garden and sewing have kept me afloat in recent weeks. #covid19
Having spent months creating quilts, cushions and Springtime artworks ready for sale at numerous markets, fairs and an art exhibition; I waited for the inevitable and understandable postponement. It did mean however, that I could offer to post gifts directly for people who found they were socially isolated and couldn't buy birthday presents for loved ones. One was this interpretation of Luna, a pet pooch, transformed into an egg cosy for a boiled egg fan. Mr Marvellous said it was a pretty good likeness, I was quick to point out it was an egg cosy not a fine art oil painting! #fortheloveofdogs #justacard

Talking fine art, there is a challenge circulating on Instagram started by the Getty Museum to recreate paintings. It seemed too good an opportunity to dress up and play. So of course I got involved and naturally included the rest of the household, even the dog who loved the bribery treats! This is today's scene with an Easter theme of ducklings 'Ducks by Stream' by English painter Edgar Hunt. #gettymuseumchallenge

To see yesterday's attempt click here
I couldn't let Easter Sunday go without an Egg Hunt. We usually spend the day in Hampshire with the extended family for a rampage around the garden looking for chocolatey treats but this year it will be Zoom bringing us together #happyeaster

So in the spirit of things here is a virtual Egg Hunt - try to find where this sculpture is! It is entitled Breaking the Mould by Andrew McKeown and represents new life and growth. I see it every day on my dog walk and bless my lucky stars that I am able to get out for exercise, fresh air and enjoy all that I have. #andrewmckeown #gratitude
Wishing you all a very Happy Easter 2020,
Stay safe and well and keep smiling xx
